Friday 30 November 2018

role of teachers and students

Teacher leaders assume a wide range of roles to support school and student success. Whether these roles are assigned formally or shared informally, they build the entire school's capacity to improve. Because teachers can lead in a variety of ways, many teachers can serve as leaders among their peers.
So what are some of the leadership options available to teachers? The following 10 roles are a sampling of the many ways teachers can contribute to their schools' success.
Role of teacher:-

1. Resource Provider

2. Instructional Specialist

3. Curriculum Specialist

4. Classroom Supporter
5. Learning Facilitator
6. Mentor
7. School Leader
8. Data Coach
9. Catalyst for Change
10. Learner
role of students:-
  • demonstrate academic integrity and honesty.
  • attend and participate in classes, labs, and seminars, prepared and on time.
  • complete the assigned work in a timely manner with attention to quality of work.
  • avoid making excuses for their behavior.
  • communicate in a careful and respectful manner with professors, peers, and other members of the college community.
  • are engaged learners who dedicate sufficient time outside of class to college work.
  • act in a civil manner that respects the college learning/social environment and complies with college policies outlined in the student constitution and college catalog.
  • utilize college resources and seek help when needed.
  • respect diverse ideas and opinions.
  • identify, develop, and implement a plan to achieve their educational goals.

analysis of poem design

Design is a Petrarchan sonnet with a changed sestet. It has fourteen lines (8+6) but the rhyme scheme is abbaabba acaacc with all of them full.

The poem begins with a simple setup—the first three lines introduce us to the main characters. We have a big white spider on a white flower, poised to eat a white moth. The speaker sees this bizarre little albino meeting as some weird witches' brew, as all three are brought together for some awful reason.
That observation leads the speaker to a series of questions: Why is this flower white, when it is usually blue? What brought the spider to that particular flower? What made the moth decide to flutter by right then?
Frost concludes that if it were "design" that brought these three together, it must be some pretty dark design. In other words, it's not a comforting thought to think that God went out of his way just to make sure this moth got eaten. But that's the crucial "if" of the last line: if design does govern these small things. (What if—gulp—there's no design at all, and everything in life is just totally random occurrences?) The reader is left with just as many questions as Frost. This short poem takes a simple little thought and pushes us all the way to questioning the very nature of creation and life as we know it. 

Classroom activity:

As per our classroom activity we have done drawing of nature. The two faces of natural cycle are life and death. So in our mind we only want to stay with life not with death. In the drawing we can see that we are not ready to accept the reality. Beacause we don't want to see death. The design of the drawing is also the question.

Thursday 29 November 2018

Thinking activity :- waiting for Godot

,Here is my interpretation on the movie screening of 'Waiting For Godot':-

1)A country road, Tree & Evening (Setting):-Samuel Blackett's the present play 'Waiting for Godot' intentionally focus on the setting part where country road,tree & evening are symbolizes well.painting 'Longing' has such significance to present here something. With some slight changes it can pounder on the past incidents too where World War 2 is images deliberately or indirectly can see through garbage or unconstructed things.evening falls by rising of moon even signifies the hope of Godot's coming & tree has equal significance to depicts something there.

2)Importance of Tree:-With the two sides of perspective it can be pointed out. First positive side, where barren tree of very initial act become growing in the second one that may shows the sign of Godot's coming, it may be the sign of hope.another side if we try to see then it has no such connection at it's can considered natural rule of the nature & it has nothing beyond there too.another interpretation of some newly growing leaves can be as the sign of better condition of human beings after time passes though they are victimized from War.

3)Coming of night & moon:-Here fall of evening & rise of moon clearly signs towards the darkness of both the act this scene is depicted & it pointed out somehow the end of both the character.after meaningless waiting they ultimately goes nearer to the end. Sunset itself shows the ending of light & beginning of darkness.

4)Debris in the setting:-Unconstructed properties that we can find spreads there is a sign of World War 2 where such damage was happen & from there may be it can try to connect with the barrenness of Vladimir & Estragon that they have in their life & to be free from that may be they are in wait for the Godot.

5)  both character are waiting for Godot but no one come and no one goes nothing to be here we see nothingness of the play. repeatedly one dialog come "shall we go ,we can't. we are waiting for Godot"

6)Do you agree:- " The play waiting for Godot, we agreed, was a positive play, not negative, not pessimistic. As I saw it, with
My blood and skin and eyes, the philosophy is: ''No matter what- atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, anything-life goes on. You can kill yourself, but you can't kill life". How are the props like hat and boots used in the play? What is the symbolical significance of these props?

We can see that waiting for Godot is positive or nagative. It's not quite clear, not throw much light on the meaning of the play. There is something in the play as a philosophical way. In this play characters are inner conflict and suffering and think to killing themselves.

7) Such a many time Vladimir and Estragon right or wrong unlike hat and boots symbolise in one way. Hat thinks for the meaning of life and boots symbolise struggle for the life and desire.

8) AcciAccor to my point Godot is also death and desire for anything and hope from God and Godot will never come . It will be depth of desire and Death. So god is an object as a desire and also for death.

9) Subject of the play is not Godot but it's waiting. Because there is no rising up and any action without that nothingness and hope. Character of the play passing time and just think about suicide it's shown nothing and meaningless life. They thought Godot will come and fulfill their wishes means depends on Godot..imaginations of them and depends on other, and killing time so, play's subjectivity is also 'Waiting' not Godot.

Thinking activity :- The birthday party

Here I am sharing my views about the film and text of Harold Pinter's play The Birthday party. movie and play both are different but my view is movie is better than the play. Because movie is very helpful to understand the text and concept of the play. In movie two scenes are omitted because  showing such vulgar in movie may creates problem. movie also seen by children it is true that book also  read by children but it is not so vulgar for reading. so that's why Lulu's scene omitted by the director. When we read the book it is not so more

effective the comparison of movie.

1). The two scene of the lulu from the play is omitted in the film. Because she is not protagonist in this pay and lulu is a not major character in the film. so, I think no need take more scene about her character because every things is not show but hide .

2). Yes we can see the effect of menace in the movie. Movie successful in giving us the effect of menace. Dictionary meaning of menace is " A person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger. And I feel effect of menace while during watch this movie Using same techniques like : Ringing of Ball, knocking door, McCain doing same pieces of newspaper and Stanley play the toy drum. Same effect I feel watching this movie rather than reading text.

3). I feel the lurking danger when the scene of two strangers come in Meg and petey's house. And also Stanley ask same question of meg. Why are they coming here? Who is two strangers ? So I feel two are danger for the Stanley and family.

4). Newspaper is a very symbolically present in this film. Very beginning of the film Petey reading news paper and Meg was doing kitchen work. It shows inferiority and superiority of male and female. The newspaper is a tool of communication and newspaper is used a tool of hiding the reality rather than showing.

5) .yes when camera positioned on head of McCain  who playing blind man's buff and when Stanley playing it . Someway we can see this thing tries to hide a reality and focus on it in this scene camera highlight it by throwing some focus dark corner of human being.

6) Yes ,it happen in the movie while two person come ,drum gifted to Stanley and some other scene we can connect that some basic elements and unpredictable dialogue with the movie

7).yes movie help in better way to understand because of some lively scene creating in movie such as ;Pause ,silence ,menace lurking ,and picturesque while reading of text it just remain limited to given in bracket, but to see in movie it impacted on viewers mind very effectively so in this context we can say movie is provide decent atmosphere for scene which ids creating in the play.

8)  i am agree with first observation “it probably wasn't possible to make satisfactory film of Birthday party”.
Because it is too much complicated to give any general statement regarding to movie review because each person has different point of view so and perception so some are appreciate and some criticize so,it contradiction way people justifying .

9) If you were director or screenplay writer, what sort of difference would you make in the making of movie? Who would be your choice of actors to play the role of characters?

Ans. Movie is quite good and effective to creates effect of menace though the texture of the play that is given in the film. So, I think that there is no need to change anything in it. 

10)Who would be your choice of actors to play the role of characters? 

In Casting I will choose 

Stanley: Irfan Khan 

Petey: Anupan Kher 

Lulu: Shraddha Kapoor 

McCann: Sidharth Malhotra 

Goldberg: Riteish Deshmukh 

Thinking Activity :To the Lighthouse

My responses to the questions are given below:-

1 )  complexity of human relationship.
                                 “ Life is simple but people are complicated”  
In the novel Virginia Woolf use of the Narrative Technique is  “stream of consciousness”.  Stream of consciousness is handing tools for her to use this technique where they are in flush and things are always in moment, we can't say this is this and that is that.

                                    Virginia Woolf use the Hidden thought of each and every character in the novel, For Example: James Hearted towards  of there Father,
 “Had there been an axe handy, a poker, or any weapon that would have gashed a hole in his father's breast and killed him, there and then, James would have seized it.” – Part 1

                                   Mrs. Ramsay and look towards  James, and Lily Briscoe  how Lily Briscoe  looking towards Mrs.  Ramsay that way character is draw. That way stream of consciousness operate. In the dialogue between, Charles  and  Mr. Ramsey he speak philosophy things philosopher also ideas always philosophy. Charles tensely comes and say my chapters, you read or not what is happen, when my PhD work is not done, if you return but he say we will do it don't worry don't patients.
                                 We will complete that also so Charles, cancelling is also having opinion about political affairs live. and Mr. Ramsay are leaving country, which is longer and almost verge of battle first world war is begin. on whose opinion is complete, and PHD is quickly going to politics life also they also impassion .

                                   Charles translate is argue,  “women can't to paint or can't to right” also and say there is something like object objective truth and which women are incapable of get objectivity is. And say “emotional beings is never have so something like objective” .
                         Once a book now mobile phone is a questionable things people are doubting in they characters.

2) The novel is both the tribute and critique of Mrs. Ramsay. Mrs. Ramsay’s character is a tribute as well as critique on womanhood. She is caring and kind who pampers her husband’s ego. Taking care of everyone. Woman full of good-will and no ill-will. Mrs. Ramsay’s character is like a character of à¤†à¤œ्ञाकारी and à¤¸ंस्कारी बहू we see in Indian daily soaps. According to her she is happier than Lily because she herself is married while she considers Lily as Poor. She repeats the sentence time and again open ‘Open the window and close the doors’- which signifies that allowing yourself to think but close the door means closing the wider way for change or say not allowing yourself for change. 
Both Lily and Mrs. Ramsay’s character presents different personality of womanhood. If we look from modern perspective toward the character we consider Lily’s character more independent.

3). in ‘to the Lighthouse’ Virginia Woolf utilizes a verity of myth. Joseph L.Blotener has additionally use the myth like the pagan myth or Oedipus myth. The pagan myth speak to old goddesses and it is depicted the main part of female character. In ‘To the Lighthouse’ the female act like mother and mother remain turn into middle, mother is controlling one or all. Oedipus is a Greek mythological character based on the myth of ‘Oedipus Rex was written by Sophocles. Oedipus who unwittingly kills his father Laius and marriage his mother Jocasta. In this novel ‘To the Lighthouse’ James who was a son of the Mrs. Ramsey. He loved his mother profoundly and feels a murderous antipathy towards his father.

7) comparison of the 'beginning' and the 'ending' of the novel and the film adaptation of the novel. Do you think that the novel is more poignant than the movie? If yes, do you ascribe the fact that the power of words is much greater than that of the screen / visuals?

         If we compare film version with book at that time we loss some originality of the novel. And movie destroys our imagination, as compare to book. And while reading we are thinking more than while watching movie. But as we know that world became neno. And we don't have so much time, so for that solution we have movie version with limitations. But after all these two things are different, so better to no compare it.

 8) How do you interpret the last line of the novel with reference to the ending of the film?

        The last line is that,
“I had my vision”
so in the end we can see that Lily is winner, and she is free as usually. She is enjoying her life rather than any ordinary woman like Mrs. Ramsay. And she is different than other. And to enjoy life is better than to show that I am good or great person.

Interpretation challenge of Samuel Beckett's Play -Breathe

 we watched 'Breathe' the shortest play by Samuel Beckett, to understand the concept of the theatre of absurd. When we watched these types of absurd play we feel that nothing happens on the stage but there is always something behind nothing. Nothing happens without purpose. Even our existence on the earth is for some reason.

The nothingness remains at the center of the play. The cry and the sigh show that though we achieve so many things in our life at the end of our life we have to leave everything by our death. The ultimate goal of our life is only death. And so there is no difference whether you have achieved anything or not. We can say so many things with this play. While watching the play we also feel nausea kind of feelings. If we compare the beginning and the end of the play, when we start watching the play we listen a cry which represents the child. The sigh may be the grown up person and again the cry means gain the child. So if we connect these dots then we can say that this cycle of life and death will go on consecutively.

The play is all about nothingness of life, meaninglessness of life. Life is nothing but waste of time. Life is garbage...

 Modern Interpretation of Breath:
It shows the sun rising at the beginning and  sun set at the end of the play. Here, we can consider SUN RISING as HOPE and SUN SET as FAILURE. Here, we can hear sound of breath. Breath as symbol for humans lives which existance with 'HOPE' and 'FAILURE'. It shows the situation in modern time. 
Here we can take example of 'Waiting for Godot '.  Throughout the play Vladimir and Estragon wait of Godot, but at the end Godot not come.
Thus, the play 'Breath' by Samuel Beckett is the postmodernist writing which can be interpreat in many
way which I interpreat. All videos concern with cyclical nature of humans lives in the world

modernis poems

Modernism is a literary and cultural international movement which flourished in the first decades of the 20th century. Modernism is not term to which a single meaning can be ascribed. It may be applied both to the content and to the form of a work, or to either in isolation.

The term modernism encompasses the activities and output of those who felt the 'traditional' form of art, architecture, literature, religious faith, social organization and daily life were becoming outdated in the new economic, social and political condition.

10 very short Modernist Poem:

1) The Embankment by T.E Humble:
Once, in finesse of fiddles found I ecstasy,

In a flash of gold heels on the hard pavement.

Now see I

That warmth's the very stuff of poesy.

Oh, God, make small

The old star-eaten blanket of the sky'

That I may fold it round me and in comfort lie.

This poem deals with the theme of nostalgia. The poet presented with contrast between past and present.

Metaphors: Old star-eaten blanket, a flash of gold heels.

2.) "Darkness" - Joseph Campbell
       I stop to watch a star shine
       in the boghole -
       A star no longer, but a silver
        ribbon of light.
       I look at it and pass on.
            In this poem poets talks about darkness.darkness is symbole of night so,night also present darkness in sky.There is word “star”wired.

3.) 'Image' - Edward Storer

         Forsaken lovers,
      Burning to a chaste white moon
      Upon strange Pyres of loneliness and
                 .'Forsaken' meaning is 'renounce’ and 'Forsaken’ lover denot the full.image  word also used for modern people and they living own way .the word 'Forsaken’ is metaphor in this poem.

4.) "In a station of the Metro" - Ezra Pound
 The apparition of these faces in the Crowd;
 Petals on a wet, black bough
             The poem very essentially contrasted the mechanical  of people and a machine , station is a place where many people meet each day yet  at the same time there is no connection between them.’petals’ is used as metaphor for people.branch of tree poet used metaphor that 'patals on bough 'petals  develops on bloom not on branch and the black and wet bough recommends something wired.

5.) 'The Pool' - Hilda Doolittle

Are you alive?
I touch you
You quiver trembling like a seafish
I cover you with my net
What are you banded one?

Here water is in pool it's not flowing which symbolises the rottenness of the civilization. Water in sea or in river has life but pool has not. Sometimes we do not understand our own feelings. First it was asked that are you alive or not. Very sarcastically, we can see that no. It is not alive. Because now it is there in the net of somebody. Fish after going in the net, cannot survive for longer.

6.) "Insouciance" – Richard Aldington

In and out of the dreary trenches
Trudging cheerily under the stars
I make for myself little poems
Delicate as a flock of doves
They fly away like whitewinged

In this poem, poet compares his poems with dove. Here the words like 'Trudging' and 'cheerily' gives contrasting meaning. These words give the image of life where we are doing many things unwillingly. Poems can not fly but here poet says he has made poems that can fly away like white winged doves. It looks he want to be free.

7.) Morning at the Window - T. S. Eliot
  They are rattling breakfast plates in basement kitchens,
  And along the trampled edges of the street
  I am aware of the damp souls of housemaid
  Sprouting despondently at area gates.
  The brown waves of fog toss up to me
   Twisted faces from the bottom of the street,
  And tear from a passer-by with muddy skirts
An aimless smile that hovers in the air
 And vanishes along the level of the roofs.
                Here Eliot has presented the routine life of people who are totally detached with the nature and its morning beauty. And they are working mechanically without any excitement. The wind which gives pleasure is presented as an aimless smile of emotionless people.

8.) The Red Wheelbarrow -William Carlos Williams
so much depends upon a red wheel
barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chicken.

9). Ancedote of the Jar-Wallace Stevens
The title suggest that the pome is about Jar. Poet placese the Jar at a hill of Tenessee and that kind of story is begun.

10.) ‘l (a‘- E. E. Cummings

-- This is the best poem amongst all given here. Poet have marvelously captured the image of falling leaves in the poem. Words even are falling in the poem, just like leaf. . Broken into pieces, and with that word and leaf, loneliness also fals and spreads in the mind of reader.


On 16,17 and 18 August, department of English invited Prof. J. H. Khan. We had discussion on several topics. We were influenced from him. He said that "we keep on competing with ourselves." He also shared information about NET/SLET exams.

Main concepts discussed in class....

Dr. Khan taught us that how to articulated sounds in language and in language their is different parts of it. He also included what is general English and what is English for specific purposes, communication - it is a task to perform. There is difference between ESP and EAP, and the information about semantics and pragmatics. He has influence on English language and he says that, language is a social institution and it is a product of culture. 

 These two days learning experience was good and it will definitely going to help us in exams and also as teacher in future. As he gave one advice that “if you choose to be teacher be a good teacher, excel in your subject otherwise many students are going to study under your hand and if you are not good in your subject you are going to spoil the future of students which is sin.” So we are very thankful to Javed sir to share with us his knowledge and also to our Head of the Department Dr. Dilip Barad to invite such experts in our department.

guest lecture of Dr. jay mehta

In our department Dr. Jay mehta as a guest lecturer was invited. In this four day lecture with him we learn many things. He was specially came to deal with Edger Allan Poe' s short stories. But by the time we came to know he was very interested in Gazal , shayri , poems. In this love of poet and art he also created his own poems and shayaries , which was amazing.

This four days, He has talked about Poe’s  short stories like…

1) The Tell Tale Heart

2) The Black Cat

3) The Fall of the House of Usher

4) The Cask of Amontillado

5) The Purloined Letter

6) The Gold Bug

We can see Poe’s world of horror, fear, intrigue, unusualness, death, terror, mystery, puzzle, detective and most importantly the animal like face of human in his Short Stories.

Last Session on Poems and Poets of Gujarati/Hindi  Literature.
Normally his session start with reciting poetic lines and writing a quote on board.
first day he wrote on board that, "The theories we believe, we call them facts and the facts we disbelieve, we call them theories." And then he entered in talk about Father of detective stories ( Edger Allen Poe).

            So This session was very helpful for us. I thankful to our HOD Dr. Dilip Barad Sir for inviting Guest lecturer like Dr. Jay Mehta sir. 

guest lecture of Balaji Rangnathan

This Blog about the feedback on Guest lecturer Balaji Ranganathan sir who came from Central University of Gujarat and he taught us about postcolonial studies. We had three days sessions from 14th September to 16th September 2018, on the  postcolonial paper. To know in details click in the given links.

Postcolonial studies is very hard to understand but Balaji sir taught each and every unit very wonderful way. His level was very high than us because he is teaching to the P.HD scholars in CUG but he knew our level and try to teach as per our level so, he gave very simple examples so that students understand easily the concept of postcolonial studies. So, now I am going to write that what I liked from the teaching of Balaji sir and what were the unique ideas/style/concept I learnt from the three days.

Day-1 - Black Skin, White Mask: Frantz Fanon (1952)

1-Orientalism: Edward Said (1977)
2-A Tempest: Aime Cesaire (1969)

3-Net-Slet: The great Challenge

Imaginary Homelands: Salman Rushdie (1981-91)

On first day we are very happy to see them in front of us. I meet his second time . i am very impress by him his language, tone of speak,  I really  enjoy his lecture. Many time he speak some word that word is not in my mind. I can not identify some of words. He deal with main points and gave many example which is related with topic. On think he say that he imagine in English if some good or bad experience happen with him that time he think on english . Most of time I think in my mother tun language .

Thinking activity: ELT & ICT

1) Why is it necessary to use Technology in Education?  Change is the rule of nature, if you don't change or update yours...