Thursday 29 November 2018

Thinking activity :- waiting for Godot

,Here is my interpretation on the movie screening of 'Waiting For Godot':-

1)A country road, Tree & Evening (Setting):-Samuel Blackett's the present play 'Waiting for Godot' intentionally focus on the setting part where country road,tree & evening are symbolizes well.painting 'Longing' has such significance to present here something. With some slight changes it can pounder on the past incidents too where World War 2 is images deliberately or indirectly can see through garbage or unconstructed things.evening falls by rising of moon even signifies the hope of Godot's coming & tree has equal significance to depicts something there.

2)Importance of Tree:-With the two sides of perspective it can be pointed out. First positive side, where barren tree of very initial act become growing in the second one that may shows the sign of Godot's coming, it may be the sign of hope.another side if we try to see then it has no such connection at it's can considered natural rule of the nature & it has nothing beyond there too.another interpretation of some newly growing leaves can be as the sign of better condition of human beings after time passes though they are victimized from War.

3)Coming of night & moon:-Here fall of evening & rise of moon clearly signs towards the darkness of both the act this scene is depicted & it pointed out somehow the end of both the character.after meaningless waiting they ultimately goes nearer to the end. Sunset itself shows the ending of light & beginning of darkness.

4)Debris in the setting:-Unconstructed properties that we can find spreads there is a sign of World War 2 where such damage was happen & from there may be it can try to connect with the barrenness of Vladimir & Estragon that they have in their life & to be free from that may be they are in wait for the Godot.

5)  both character are waiting for Godot but no one come and no one goes nothing to be here we see nothingness of the play. repeatedly one dialog come "shall we go ,we can't. we are waiting for Godot"

6)Do you agree:- " The play waiting for Godot, we agreed, was a positive play, not negative, not pessimistic. As I saw it, with
My blood and skin and eyes, the philosophy is: ''No matter what- atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, anything-life goes on. You can kill yourself, but you can't kill life". How are the props like hat and boots used in the play? What is the symbolical significance of these props?

We can see that waiting for Godot is positive or nagative. It's not quite clear, not throw much light on the meaning of the play. There is something in the play as a philosophical way. In this play characters are inner conflict and suffering and think to killing themselves.

7) Such a many time Vladimir and Estragon right or wrong unlike hat and boots symbolise in one way. Hat thinks for the meaning of life and boots symbolise struggle for the life and desire.

8) AcciAccor to my point Godot is also death and desire for anything and hope from God and Godot will never come . It will be depth of desire and Death. So god is an object as a desire and also for death.

9) Subject of the play is not Godot but it's waiting. Because there is no rising up and any action without that nothingness and hope. Character of the play passing time and just think about suicide it's shown nothing and meaningless life. They thought Godot will come and fulfill their wishes means depends on Godot..imaginations of them and depends on other, and killing time so, play's subjectivity is also 'Waiting' not Godot.

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