Saturday 6 April 2019

Thinking activity: ELT & ICT

1) Why is it necessary to use Technology in Education? 

Change is the rule of nature, if you don't change or update yourself with the time you can't survive in this competitive world. In other words, 21st century is the age of ICT and people can't live without technology. In every discipline technology is very useful thing in human life. Education cultivate us from the animal to human being, it is fundamental right of people to be a literate and also it is very useful for live better life. So, with the passage of the time education also need to upgrade from chalk and talk to smart class. Digital classroom is necessary for teaching and learning process, it is useful for both teacher as well as students. In traditional way of teaching, teacher was at center but now in this age student is at center. Teacher's work as facilitator because through the technology students come with every information and work themselves so teacher's work is to facilitate them. Students can learn anytime from anywhere through digital classroom. Teacher can teach all the subjects like Math, science, History, Language, Geography, etc through technology. Technology stimulate learning interest in the students much better than traditional way of lectures. So, according to me technology is necessary in education for better future career of the students or we can say that technology means good facility hence students and teachers have good facility in education.

2) What is the difference between 'using' and 'integrating' technology?

There is big difference between 'Using' and 'Integrating' technology. Using technology means sometimes teacher use technology for teaching but in integrating technology students also be a part of it, in other words we can say that integrating means a medium of teaching and learning. Through integrating technology students can build up their creative thinking. Technology is used to deliver information while in integrating, technology is used to construct and build knowledge. In using technology teacher teaching the contents and put his or her views while in integrating technology students also can put their views and ideas along with teacher. At last we can say that using technology is teacher center and integrating technology is student center.

3)  How can we integrate technology?

We can integrate technology in the classroom through various web tools like power point presentation, Blog task, Flipped learning and social media like Whatsapp and Facebook, in which Flipped learning is very interesting because it broke the traditional norms of teaching and learning in the classroom. Students can learn any time from any where through flipped learning. Teacher can engage the students without his or her presence

4) Can technology replac teacher?

This is the age in which human are replaced by technology. There is so many place in which the place of human beings are taken by machine and technology. But in education , the place of teacher is can not taken by anything. May be the place of teacher will be taken by technology but there will be still missing of emotion, feelings and interaction between student and teacher. The replacement of teacher with tools ,it may gave us big challenge and it becomes harmful also.Many times student like me failed to understand some topic while reading in google and watching videos but my professor Dr. Dilip Barad can teach me with the help of various examples, hence teacher is very helpful to understand easily.

5) Write in brief on David Crystal's views on 'effect of new technologies on English language', 'biggest challenge for English language teachers in the times of internet', and 'texting is good for English language'. (All these three videos are worth watching.

David Crystal is a well known British Linguist, he has talked very interestingly about the effect of technology on English language. He gave many examples of using abbreviation of English language on Twitter, Facebook, etc. How people using technical language like LOL in social media. he also talked about the difference English language like British English, American, African and Indian English, we can see the effect of technology in these languages. Furthermore, he talked about the challenge of English language teacher in the era of internet and said that the teaching profession especially the language teaching is very difficult than other because teacher has to be careful about the difference usage of English language in different way by different countries. At last he talked about the texting on social media that means texting on twitter on whatsapp and in Facebook is good for English language because it express the thoughts of people in front of other in limited characters. In this way we also learn the technical or social media English language.

6) Name the web tool which can help in the development of all four L.S.R.W skills. If possible explains how it works.

I mostly like these 3 tools...
1] Whatsapp
2] Facebook
3] youtube 

visuals effects more to human minds and I am kinetic so love to use these platforms to enhance my knowledge. This platform provides information in such a way that it becomes easy to decode and understand thus I prefer these platforms.

There are some drawbacks too but as we used to say that each coin has two sides, in the same manner, this digital media has also two sides. Some people may satirically joke on the invention of the internet and the mobile phone because it was invented to save the time of human beings but as we can see around the world these platforms waste the huge number of time and thus it can be considered as its drawback. According to me, it depends on the person, people should be smart with technology because day by day technology is becoming smart and people are becoming dumb. Another thing which I found interesting is, the huge number of information is available on this kind of platforms but it is up to a person that how he/she can find authentic information out of it. 

language lab Review

What is Language Lab?

Modern Language Labs are known by many names, digital language lab, multimedia language lab, language media center and multimedia learning center to name but a few. Through language lab we can learn foreign language with the help of multimedia like audio, video, images, sound etc.

History of language lab:-

It has been used since 1950. Edison had made tin foil phonograph and done recording of voice. Then Graham Bell had also produced a phonograph . In 1891,first time the phonograph used in calss at college of Milwaukee. After that other university also used phonograph for language learning. Then Rafael Diez de la Cortina introduce with method of teaching foreign language with the use of phonograph in class. After him, Dr. Richard also used it  and then international correspondence school of Scranton in Pennsylvania used it for language learning.

Advantages of language lab:-

◆It is helpful for listen too many native speaker
◆Helpful for development and improvements of basic skills
◆Technology never get tired for repeating same thing.

Disadvantage of language lab:-

◆Unclear sounds may be ruin the charm of learning
◆Problem of electricity and network will be ruin the charm of learning

harry potter mini review

1) Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone

In the very first film, we see our hero, the boy who lived is suffering in the house of his muggle aunt. Hagrid comes and save Harry. Now all children are getting ready for going to the Hogwarts for the first time. The owls, frogs, mice, cat, broomsticks, candles hanging in the hall, ghouls, seeing all these things for the first time give gothic feeling and excitement also. Voldemort is very weak here, he wants Philosopher’s stone because it can make him immortal, but he fails. Apart from all these fantasy things, there are points like friendship, love, sacrifice, desires and some moral lessons. The Mirror of Erised is very interesting thing here. It shows people their deepest desire. But the happiest human will see themselves. When Harry see his mother and father in that mirror, Dumbledore suggest Harry to do not dwell in it and don’t forget to live life. The Devil’s Snare was also interesting. It gives very good lesson. It asks you to relax in your hard times. When problem comes, just relax and you will be out. The first year of Hogwarts was so magical. The movie also talks about racism, as Malfoy abuse Hermione because her parents are muggles. If we look deeply then it is problematic from feminist point of view. Wizard is the word for the man who knows magic which contains good connotation. Witch is used for woman who knows magic which contains very bad connotation. Over all the movie gives thrill till the end. With Harry, Ron and Hermione, viewers also wait for the next year to go to Hogwarts

2) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

In this sequel to the phenomenally popular Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry returns to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his second year after a miserable summer with his Muggle (nonmagical) relatives. Once again, Harry’s school experiences are colored by encounters with genial ghosts and antagonistic teachers, by the rivalry between good-guy Gryffindor House and slimy Slytherin House, and by an ominous mystery to be solved involving Harry’s archenemy, the dark sorcerer Lord Voldemort. Once again, the attraction of Rowling’s traditional British school story is magnified tenfold by the fantasy elements superimposed upon it. The atmosphere Rowling creates is unique; the story whizzes along; Harry is an unassuming and completely sympathetic hero. But, truth to tell, you may feel as if you’ve read it all before. Rowling clearly hit on a winning formula with the first Harry Potter book; the second book — though still great fun — feels a tad, well, formulaic.

3)Harry Potter and Prison of Azkban:-

This part began with Harry 's 3rd year if school and he comes to know about prisoner,Sirius Black who is prisoner of Azkaban.
-Major task:-
Main task of Harry is to know about Sirius Black . He is a good friend of Harry nad Godfather of him.
-Harry's Role:-
Harry become more vengeful and kill Sirius but he doesn't know reality. The effect of dark side of Voldemort in Harry ,starts to show it's power.Harry faces dementors and creatures.
-Ron and Hermione:-
In this part Ron was on bed and not able to anything. Hermione handle the situation and help Harry. They leads to the past by the time runner and know the reality. They saved Sirius from dementors.

4)Harry Potter and goblet of fire:-

In this part Harry Potter's forth year of school begin and he was chosen for game. He face Voldemort and tries to save people from him.
-3things for Voldemort:-
The part shows the power of Voldemort and he get 3 things for life. 1)Bone of father
2)Flesh of servant 3)Blood of enemy.
By this he again powerful.
Harry got his name in game as he doesn't know but he play the game. He was chosen by Goblet of fire. He was not much adult for the game but chosen by Voldemort so he has to play.  In the game he meet Voldemort and has to face death of Cedric.
-Moral of Harry:-
Harry saves life of people rather to win the game.He helps Cedric but at last he was not able to save him.He sacrifice his winning for saving the life of other.

5.) order of phoneix

The fifth installment in the Harry Potter series sees Harry in his fifth year of Hogwarts; his hardest year yet. It's the end of the summer holidays and after a confrontation with Dudley Dursley and his little gang both Dudley and Harry are attacked by a Dementor, forcing Harry to use a Patronus charm. The Ministry of Magic are quick to charge Harry with the crime of 'underage magic' and it is only with Dumbledore's help and that of the Dursley's neighbour, who is infact a squib (a witch or wizard of pure blood who has no magic ability) and has been looking out for Harry all these years that sees the Ministry clearing Harry of all charges as his hearing.
Presiding at the hearing is Dolores Umbridge an official of the Ministry who is soon ensconced into Hogwarts as the new teacher of dark arts, however, it becomes clear that not only is she there to teach; Ministry approved theory of the subject only, she is there to spy on behalf of the Ministry who continue a smear campaign against Harry, discrediting his pronouncement that Vodemort has returned once more. It soon becomes clear that for all her twee pink cardigans and pictures of fluffy kittens there is nothing cuddly about Dolores. Harry and his friends decide to form 'Dumbledores Army' and meet in the Room of Requirement in order to practice and teach one another defensive spells. It is when this group is discovered that Dumbledore, in order to protect his pupils, takes full blame and then has to flee from the Ministry's clutches, leaving Dolores Umbridge installed as the new Headteacher of Hogwarts. Meanwhile, Voldemort continues to gather more power, and his Death Eaters, to him and Harry's dream link becomes ever stronger. In an attempt to block this Severes Snape tries to teach a method to keep these visions at bay, however, this results in Harry seeing something from Severes' past that both of them wish he hadn't. Unable to control this link, Harry and Dumbledores Army are drawn to the Ministry in order to help Harry's god father, Sirius Black, who Harry has seen being tortoured in a vision by Voldemort, but he is not sure if it isn't a trap and Voldemort has also realised that he and Harry share this connection. There are battles fought and there is a death that Harry cannot prevent happening that shocks everyone. With the Ministry no longer able to keep the news of Voldemorts return a secret both Harry and Dumbledore are exonerated.

6....Half_Blood Prince ...

This sixth Harry Potter will wow the series’ many fans — Rowling delivers the likable characters and thrilling situations that have made the series so popular, handily weaving in plots begun in earlier books and returning to comic staples of wizard school life while providing fresh novelties. Connoisseurs will note that Rowling’s real attention is focused on setting up Harry’s final showdown with Lord Voldemort: Dumbledore’s private Pensieve tutorials with Harry, in which the two sift through various characters’ memories about the Dark Lord’s history, searching for the means to defeat him, are the main thrust of the book but will pay off fully only in the last volume. Even so, there’s plenty of engaging mystery and suspense here: the title character, the Half-Blood Prince, occluded for most of the book as merely the author of some helpful notes in Harry’s potions text, bursts into startling prominence by the end. Harry himself, grown more independent, decisive, and “fanciable,” comes of age, committing himself by his own choice to defeating Voldemort and accepting that former protectors like his parents and Dumbledore (and even the Dursleys) no longer stand between him and danger. Old animosities against Snape, now the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher (whose twisted loyalties become even more opaque), and Draco Malfoy, the newest Death Eater recruit, continue unabated and crescendo into an epochal betrayal at the close, brilliantly conjured by Rowling.

7)Harry Potter and deathly Hallows part 1and 2:  

Part 1

New ministry if magic become powerful and ruled on school. Muggles has so many problems. They were insulted by pure blood people and crushed the statue of their . Harry tries to know about Dumbledore's life and about his family.
Voldemort become more powerful and shows his power on Harry. There is battle going between Harry nad Voldemort. Ron destroy another horcrux. Three deathly Hallows were found here.

   Part 2

Death eaters comes and tried to kill Harry. Harry starts to destroy horcrux and have fight with Voldemort. Harry ' friends became ready to die and tries to save the life of Harry. Here Harry saw that he has nature to die for other but his friends die for him. He tries to save other but he become reason of others death. At last Dumbledore and Harry talked about Death and Harry killed  Voldemort.

Thursday 28 March 2019


The story begins with Captain Robert Walton hanging out in St. Petersburg, Russia, probably near the end of the 18th century. He's waiting around for a ride to the port of Archangel, where he's going to hire some hardy Russians to go sailing off to the North Pole. Unfortunately, the boat gets stuck in impassible ice hundreds of miles from land. Boring! With nothing else to do, he writes letters to his sister back in England. His main complaint? He wants a male friend to keep him company. (What about that ship full of sailors? No, he means a worthy companion.)
Soon, Walton's despair is interrupted by the sight of —a man! On the ice! Riding a dog-sled! The man boards the ship, and it seems as if Walton's wish for a friend has come true. Except this new guy, Victor? Kind of nuts. Here's his story, as told to Walton:
Victor started out like any normal kid in Geneva, with his parents adopting a girl named Elizabeth for him to marry when he was older. You know, totally normal. At college, he decides to study natural philosophy (like a rudimentary physics) and chemistry, along with chemistry's evil twin,alchmey. In about two years, he figures out how to bring a body made of human corpse pieces to life. (We couldn't even manage to finish high school in two years.) Afterwards, he's horrified by his own creation (no…really?) and is sick for months while his friend Henry Clerval nurses him back to health.
Back in Geneva, Victor's younger brother, William, is murdered. The Frankenstein family servant, Justine, is accused of killing him. Victor magically intuits that his monster is the real killer, but thinking that no one would believe the "my monster did it" excuse, Victor is afraid to even propose his theory. Even when poor Justine is executed.
Victor, in grief, goes on a trip to the Swiss Alps for some much needed R&R. All too conveniently, he runs into the monster, who confesses to the crime and tells Victor this story (if you're keeping track, we're now in a story-within-a-story-within-a-story):
When Frankenstein fled, he found himself alone and hideous. No one accepted him (being a corpse-parts conglomeration can do that to you), except for one old blind man. He hoped that the blind man's family of cottagers would give him compassion, but even they drove him away. When he ran across William, he killed the boy out of revenge. In short, he's ticked off that his maker created him to be alone and miserable, and so would Frankenstein please make him a female companion?
After much persuading, Victor agrees. He drops off Henry in Scotland while he goes to an island in the orken to work. But, just before he finishes, he destroys the second monster: he's afraid that the two will bring destruction to humanity rather than love each other harmlessly. The monster sees him do this and swears revenge … again. When Victor lands on a shore among Irish people, they accuse him of murdering Henry, who has been found dead. He's acquitted, but not before another long illness.
Victor returns to Geneva and prepares to marry Elizabeth, but he's a little worried: the monster has sworn to be with him on his wedding night. Eek! Victor thinks the monster is threatening him, but the night he and Elizabeth are married, the monster kills the bride instead. This causes Victor's father to pass away from grief (as he just lost a daughter-in-law and a daughter), so it's kind of a twofer for the monster.
Alone and bent on revenge, Victor chases the monster over all imaginable terrain until he is ragged and near death. (In fact, we can't really tell the two of them apart anymore except that the monster is taller and uglier.) And now we're back up the present: he finds Walton's ship, tells his story, and dies.
Story over? Not quite. Walton discovers the monster crying over Victor's dead body. We're not sure if he's crying because he's sad or because, as he says, he has nothing to live for anymore—but either way, he heads off into the Arctic to die. Alone. Yeah, it's not quite a Hollywood ending.

waiting for godot

Waiting for Godot begins with two men on a barren road by a leafless tree. These men, Vladimir and Estragon, are often characterized as "tramps,"and we soon see that the world of this play is operating with its own set of rules—where nothing happens, nothing is certain, and there’s never anything to do.
Sound boring? Surprise: it's anything but.
Vladimir and Estragon—who are also called Didi and Gogo, respectively—are waiting for Godot, a man (or perhaps a deity). The tramps can’t be sure if they’ve met Godot, if they’re waiting in the right place, if this is the right day, or even whether Godot is going to show up at all. While they wait, Vladimir and Estragon fill their time with a series of mundane activities (like taking a boot on and off) and trivial conversations (turnips, carrots) interspersed with more serious reflection (dead voices, suicide, the Bible).

The tramps are soon interrupted by the arrival of Lucky, a man/servant/pet with a rope tied around his neck, and Pozzo, his master, holding the other end of the long rope. The four men proceed to do together what Vladimir and Estragon did earlier by themselves: namely, nothing. 

(The members of the audience, meanwhile, scratch their heads and look around to see if everyone else gets what’s going on. At least, we guess that they do. We sure did the first time around.)

Lucky and Pozzo then leave so that Vladimir and Estragon can go back to doing nothing by themselves. Vladimir suggests that this is not the first time he’s met with Lucky and Pozzo, which is surprising, since they acted like strangers upon arrival. (Then again, Estragon can’t even remember a conversation ten lines after it happens, so we’re not going to depend on memory in this play.)
The nothingness is interrupted by the arrival of the Boy, who reports to Vladimir that Godot isn’t coming today, but will be there tomorrow. Yippee! Except not, since Vladimir’s comments suggest that the Boy has said this before.

Estragon and Vladimir talk about suicide some more and then resolve to leave the stage, since it’s nightfall and they no longer have to wait for Godot. Of course, having resolved to leave, neither man moves, and the curtain closes on Act I.

The curtain opens for Act II, which you will soon see is remarkably like Act I. The men still sit around waiting for Godot and try to fill the idle hours in the meantime. Lucky and Pozzo show up, only this time Lucky has gone mute and Pozzo is blind. They putz around the stage for a while, and Pozzo declares that, having lost his eyes, he now has no sense of time. Lucky declares nothing, because he’s mute.

Vladimir gets rather poetic in the meantime, wondering if maybe he’s sleeping, agreeing with Pozzo’s claim that life is fleeting, and concluding that habit is the great deadener of life. Pozzo and Lucky leave again, just in time for the Boy to show up and tell Vladimir that Godot isn’t coming today, but will be there tomorrow.
Vladimir and Estragon contemplate suicide, but have no rope (they think to hang themselves from the barren tree, since it’s the only prop around that could lend itself to such an endeavor). The men resolve to leave, since it’s nightfall and they no longer have to wait for Godot, but neither man moves and the curtain falls.

The play ends, but we think everyone knows what happens next. And after that. And after that. Et cetera.

Wednesday 27 March 2019

" river and tides "

"River and Tides: Andy Goldsworthy working with Time" is a 2001 documentary film directed by Thomas Riedelsheimer about the British artist Andy Goldsworthy, who creates intricate and ephemeral sculputers from natural materials such as rocks, leaves, flowers and icicles.

 This spiritual literate documentary also received the Golden Gate Award Grand Prize for Best Documentary at the 2003 San Francisco International Film Festival.

It is a wonderful documentary about the nature and art. In this documentary, he defines every art with philosophical point of view. As he says that, "Art for me is a form of nourishment".In this documentary he is working with time and also uses the natural environment to explore histories. He wanders on river banks and collects the natural materials and creates something beautiful out of them.But everything which is created, soon it will be destroyed by nature. Basically it speaks about the natural concept of birth and death.  

 He begins to work on an icicle sculpture and after many efforts and hard work he is able to give a tide shape to the ice. But it seems temporary, it will be melted with the passage of time. In the same way stone house breaks down in the river. 

Here we can see that how he represents the processes of life and death through nature.

The very thing that brought it to life, will bring about death”
 It represents that everything in life is temporary and everything will be changed or destroyed as the time passes.
It also speaks about the spiral shape of nature. In the natural world everything is in spiral or circular shape. There is no triangular shape.

 In documentary , working with time , art and life. It also reflects transitory nature. Different way of looking at art. It also explain philosophical ideas the art going to die very soon. Not permanent, thus process of life and death in nature. In documentary not only art is there but Goldsworthy connects philosophy with it. That is more significant.

thinking activity on sense of an ending

1) How do you understand memory and history with reference to your reading of this novel.
At the end we come to know that memory has record something which is good or which we think it's a good and its preserved by us and when we think it's good about us then we preserve but one more thing is that memory is not perfect memory is in perfect so we cannot rely on some of the thing is perfectly clear in our mind in our memory also but something is not clear and after letter on its mixing so we cannot rely that what exactly happened in past

Same way we find in history that history is written by historian and its base on the someone's memory and its deal with the evidence but we can find that history is always problematic just because whenever that accident or event happened at that time how we remember then give interpretation or language used its depend upon that if that accident or event is good for us then we preserve different way but when that event or accident husband memory then we will do different kind of interpretation.

2. How do you understand memory and history with reference to your reading of this novel

Ans.  After reading the novel, we can say that memory and history are interrelated. I agree to the given definitions of history in the novel  that:

 'History is that certainty produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet the inadequacies of documentation'.

' History isn't the lies of the victors, as I once glibly assured Old Joe Hunt; I know that now. It's more the memories of the survivors, most of whom are neither victorious nor defeated'

'History is the lies of the victors'

'History is the self-delusion of the defeated'

Hence, we can say that history is not that particular historian who is witness the historical event or it is not true that history written by victors, there are many histories of looser who defeated by victors. Memory is constructed by people in which they record what is good memory for them. If we deconstruct or see through multi-layers then we can't rely on any documented history because there  can be emotional attachment of the people in the documentary and also in this digital era written documentation can also be constructed or fake. so, accordingly to know the real documentation of the historical events we have to go in deep process and cross check everything.

thinking activity on the The Da Vinci Code

  • 1)Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-Christian, though he is on a 'constant spiritual journey' himself, and says that his book The Da Vinci Code is simply "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used "as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith."

    • Ans. I disagree to the point of Dan Brown because the novel has anti religion elements like Mary Magdalene. As we all know that Jesus was unmarried and Magdalene is just fictional character why writers like Brown explore his own thought. It is all about nonsense kind of thing. The code and painting is only a piece of art it has nothing like any religious code and symbols. If people are saying that Council of Nicea created whole the thing about Jesus then somewhat they are right because Jesus was only a messenger of God not God himself and Jesus neither married nor had any kind of relation and children. So, here Writer shows Sophie the character in the book as a Magdalene descendant is not true. So, according to me it is anti Christian novel and writers keep on writing about anti religions for limelight and popularity.

      2. Although it is obvious that much of what Brown presented in his novel as absolutely true and accurate is neither of those, some of that material is of course essential to the intrigue, and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman has retained the novel's core, the Grail-related material: the sacred feminine, Mary Magdalene's marriage, the Priory of Sion, certain aspects of Leonardo's art, and so on.” How far do you agree with this observation of Norris J. Lacy?

      Yes, the observation of Norris Lacy is true. We can say Akiva Goldsman has conserved the story line and it is much like novel. The grail related material, definite aspects of Leonardo's art and many things. The screen writer is successful to keep the core content through the use of all the symbols and secrets about the novel. We can find the scenes in Louvre museum so it is much realistic. Dan Brown's major materials for the novel is taken from the book 'The holy blood and the holy grail'. The idea of feminine sacredness is much live as Sophie Nevue leads to Robert Langton.

      3. You have studied ‘Genesis’ (The Bible), ‘The Paradise Lost’ (John Milton) and ‘The Da Vinci Code’ (Dan Brown). Which of the narrative/s seem/s to be truthful? Whose narrative is convincing to the contemporary young mind?
      Milton's narrative seems more truthful, because the novel has some evidence about the Christianity but it's somehow confusing. People keep on doubting on the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci, he was known for his mirror writing, but there is nothing like that he was suffering from Dyslexia, so there is nothing like code hidden in his paintings. Dan Brown's narrative has so much lies so, Milton's narrative can be more convincing.

      4. What harm has been done to humanity by the biblical narration or that of Milton’s in The Paradise Lose? What sort of damage does narrative like ‘The Vinci Code’ do to humanity?
      As the earlier argument the narration has so much lies. It can decrease the faith of humanity from the religion. Milton displays woman as downfall of a man and in many narrator there is woman who is the reason of downfall of man. People like Saint or Pope who leads the humanities to the wrong path so, it becomes the cause of the lost of the faith in the religion.

      5. What difference do you see in the portrayal of 'Ophelia' (Kate Winslet) in Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet, 'Elizabeth' (Helena Bonham Carter) in Kenneth Branagh's Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or 'Hester Prynne' (Demi Moore) in Roland JoffĂ©'s The Scarlet Letter' or David Yates's 'Harmione Granger' (Emma Watson) in last four Harry Potter films and 'Sophie Neuve' (Audrey Tautau) in Ron Howard's The Da Vinci Code?

      There's much difference in portrayal of women characters in films and novels. Ophelia, we can see that her character is objectified, as it is the character of Elizabeth also, there is no such scenes between Frankenstein and her. So in the film, there is a close up of lovemaking scenes which remains very minor in the novel. As it is Demi Moore as Haster Prynne in the Scarlet letter, also objectified as her appearance of her whole body. In Harry Potter, the scenes between Hermione and Ron is worthless. Where as in Ron Howard's Da Vinci no nudity at all. Director remains faithful to the novel and cinematic goal is achieved.

      6. Do novel / film lead us into critical (deconstructive) thinking about your religion? Can we think of such conspiracy theory about Hindu religious symbols / myths?

      Yes, these kinds of novel and film leads us into critical thinking. We can find the lose stone about religious theory, there is no proof about the relation between Jesus and Mary Magdalene as they are husband and wife. Chapel do not have code about Mary but it's deaide and the picture of music. As it is in Hindu religion also some ideas about religion which needs to critical thinking. The Ramayana is a myth so it raises the question that it actual or just myth to keep everyone's faith in the religion.

      7)  When we do traditional reading of the novel ‘The Da Vinci Code’, Robert Langdon, Professor of Religious Symbology, Harvard University emerges asprotagonist and Sir Leigh Teabing, a British Historian as antagonist. Who will claim the position of protagonist if we do atheist reading of the novel?

           As we all know that historians see the things with a proper evidence. Similarly,  in the Da Vinci Code,  Sir Leigh Teabing remains in the search of an evidence. Who works with scientific temperament and he doesn't believe in any religion,  so we can interpret that what he suggests would be more reliable. Furthermore,  Teabing tries to find real DNA of Jesus and Mary.  So,  we can interpret that he claim the position of protagonist when we look from atheist angle. 

      8) Explain Ann Gray’s three propositions on ‘knowability’ with illustrations from the novel ‘The Da Vinci Code’.
      a.       1) Identifying what is knowable 
      b.      2) identifying and acknowledging the relationship of the knower and the known
      c.      3) What is the procedure for ‘knowing’?

         In the Da Vinci Code,  we can address an idea of Ann Gray. We can apply the concept of 'Knowability.' 
      1 - When we look the definition,  we can define that from the symbol of pentacle whole story moves to the end.  So this thing stands in the category of knowable.  
      2 - It shows the relationship between the knower and the known. Character of  Teabing knows reality.  As he himself knows the history.  So he becomes success in decoding the things. Characters like,  Langdon and Sophie also stands in it.  
      3 - In this concept whole process takes place.  Like,  in the beginning Langdon and Sophie looks everything from various perspective and reaches at the end. 

      Thinking activity: ELT & ICT

      1) Why is it necessary to use Technology in Education?  Change is the rule of nature, if you don't change or update yours...