Tuesday 26 March 2019

online discussion

This blog is about my response on online discussion on Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy's Academy Award for her documentary, "A girl in the River"

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy's academy Award for her documentry, A girl in the River, has been much celebrated at home. Deservedly so.

Like her first Oscar-winning documentary, saving face, which spotlit the horror of acid attack, this too is a visceral, urgent piece of film-making. But alongside the jubilation is another view, persistent and petty, that is inevitably voiced at such occasions. Widely shared by politicians, journalists, religious leader, in short 'patriots' of all stripes, this opinion has it that sharmeen  has done a grave disservice to her country by highlighting the misery of ordinary Pakistanis to further her own career. Hence, the twitter trend: DisownSharmeen. 

Why, he asked, 'had Adiga chosen not to write about the so many nice, nice things that are happening in India? The same critique was also trotted out when Danny Boyle's film, Slumdog Millionaire, won big at the Oscar. or when Malala won the Nobel prize. Or Sharmeen her first Oscar. Really, why can't  all these people just Photoshop our reality? why can't the hide our flaws and emphasize our virtues so we can win respect and admiration of Western societies? many 'concerned citizens' in Pakistan ask why Sharmeen did not make a film about that tireless humanitarian, Edhi, or better still, about the victims of drone strikes, cataloging American injustice, rather than our own.

Truth wins: The buzz around Sharmeen's film has prompted Nawaz Sharif to say that the practice of honor killings in Pakistan should come to an end.

   Postcolonial View :

     According to me if writer gets award from west it doesn't mean they becomes happy to seeing the condition of that region. But by spreading this situation, who is in power they may tries to change it . But after studying the Cultural Studies we might feel that ultimately they wants to show the inferiority of it. But yet it is necessary to open the eyes of people and also of the Power. 
        There can be a question arises in our mind that now they are ruling over us by this way ,But without deep studying we can not conclude this thing. 

     Cultural Studies :

     We may feel that this kind of writer wants to be famous in people by publishing this kind of work. Because to get more publicity they already knows which kind of work gives more publicity .
         In the country like India people has so many problems so they might feels that he or she is talking about us. They are arguing for us by publishing their work. 

    But yet it must require to talk against the power or  to talk about the real condition of the country . And we have great example of it is Ravish Kumar ,Who always draws the picture of real issues and also of real condition of the country .

  So this kind of writer is in a way doing good work. 

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