Friday 10 November 2017

assignment of paper no 1:-The renassance literature

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Name : Nirali dungrani
Roll no : 30
Enrollment No:-2069108420180012
Year: 2017-19
M.A. semester :1
Paper no : 1 The Renaissance literature
Email id :
Assignment topic : Metaphysical poetrys of JOHN DONNE.
Submitted to : smt.S.B.Gardi, Department of English.


                What is metaphysical poetry?
       The term metaphysical or metaphysics in poetry is the fruit of renaissance tree, becoming over ripe and approaching pure science. “Meta” means “beyond” and “physics” means “physical nature”. Metaphysical poetry means poetry that goes beyond the physical world of the senses and explores the spiritual world. Metaphysical poetry began early in the Jacobean age in the last stage of the age of Shakespeare.
In other words,it is types of poetry deling eith abstract or philosophy subject such as a love,religion,god,beauty,faith and so on.
The term metaphysics means something supernatural and transcendental. Its sense is 'what is beyond physical'. It is concerned with fundamental problems of life and death and soul even after death. The term metaphysical poetry means poetry dealing with metaphysical subjects. These subjects are - nature of universe, movements of stars and planets and the whole relationship of man to God
Metphysical poetry occupies a unique place in the history of English was written in the post Shakespearean era,during the age of Milton.and it continued upyo the beginning of the restoration age.the main exponants of the metphysical poetry were John donne,who was the pioneer and the poets who followed Donne’s style of writing who were George Herbert,Richard Crashaw,abrahum Cowley and Andrew marwell.John donne and his followers came to be know as the metaphysical school of poetry.
There are certain feature which differentiate their poetry from the poetry of former poet the following are the fetures of metaphysical poetry.
                 i.            All the metaphysical made a conscious attempt to see that their poetry differs in the style of writing from the style of fprmmer poets they did not want to follow the footsteps of the Elizabathan age one critic named Helen.c.white justifies it saying that had they continued writing poetry in the same manner their poetry would have been rejected by the readers the reason was printed facility was available,printed literature was available and so people had cultivated reading habit,and the result was that people werw morw intwligwnt and so they would have rejected metaphysical poetry.ha dthat been written in simplw way
             ii.            All the metaphysical poets were h=the degree holders,they werw the men of learnuing and university graduates.they made a conscious attempt to see that their learning and scholarship are reflected in their poetry.they were not willing to use the simple diction as it was done by the former poets they made use of difficult words to exhibit their learning & scholarship
         iii.            It was Dr.Semual Johnson who while writing the life sketch of Abrahum Cowley used for the first time the term “the metaphysical poetry” for the poetry of Donne and his school when /Johnson used this word,it was in a negative sense because he wanted to criticize the poetry of Donne and his followers later on with the passing of time this word became a word of praise for the metaphysical poetry.
          iv.            Dr.Johnson has higlighted one remarkable draw back of metaphysical poetry.he mentions that the metaphysical poetry stood a trial of their figer.but not the trial of their other words “their poetry is lacking in music and rhythm”D.Johnson discards the metaphysical poetry calling it artificial.
              v.            Almost all the metaohysical poets depended upon the far-fatched images for their poetry.they selected images from those fields ehich have nothing common with poetry.images whish they used belong to the filed of science,engineering,architecture,biology,agriculture,political and many other fields.far fetched images proved to a remarkable feture.

                                John Donne

John Donne was born in 1572 in London, England. He is known as the founder of the Metaphysical Poets, a term created by Samuel Johnson, an eighteenth-century English essayist, poet, and philosopher. The loosely associated group also includes George Herbert, Richard Crashaw,Andrew Marvell, and John Cleveland. The Metaphysical Poets are known for their ability to startle the reader and coax new perspective through paradoxical images, subtle argument, inventive syntax, and imagery from art, philosophy, and religion using an extended metaphor known as a conceit. Donne reached beyond the rational and hierarchical structures of the seventeenth century with his exacting and ingenious conceits, advancing the exploratory spirit of his time.
John Donne was an English poet and cleric in the Church of England. He is considered the pre-eminent representative of the metaphysical poets.
He is considered the pre-eminent representative of the metaphysical poets. His works are noted for their strong, sensual style and include sonnets, love poems, religious poems, Latin translations, epigrams, elegies, songs, satires and sermons. His poetry is noted for its vibrancy of language and inventiveness of metaphor, especially compared to that of his contemporaries. Donne's style is characterised by abrupt openings and various paradoxes, ironies and dislocations. These features, along with his frequent dramatic or everyday speech rhythms, his tense syntax and his tough eloquence, were both a reaction against the smoothness of conventional Elizabethan poetry and an adaptation into English of European baroque and mannerist techniques. His early career was marked by poetry that bore immense knowledge of English society and he met that knowledge with sharp criticism. Another important theme in Donne's poetry is the idea of true religion, something that he spent much time considering and about which he often theorized. He wrote secular poems as well as erotic and love poems. He is particularly famous for his mastery of metaphysical conceits.
John Donne is unanimously acknowledged as a true metaphysical poet because he made an unlike conceptual thought against the Elizabethan poetry, showed an analytical pattern of love and affection and displayed an essence of dissonance in words and expressions. This paper concentrates on the exploration of the characteristics of Donne’s metaphysical poetry highlighting extended form of epigrams, conceits, paradoxes and ratiocinations. Donne in respect of the manifestation of metaphysical beauty was an unparallel and super ordinate among all poets such as Richard Crashaw, Henry Vaughan, Abraham Cowley, George Herbert, Andrew Marvell and many more. Donne, in fact, gave a breakthrough about the initiation of a new form of poetry-metaphysical poetry. He was natural, unconventional, and persistently believed in the argumentation and cross analysis of his thoughts and emotions through direct languages. He also concentrated on love and religion through intellectual, analytical and psychological point of view. His poetry is not only scholastic and witty but also reflective and philosophical.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.
Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

No spring, nor summer beauty hath such grace, As I have seen in one autumnal face.

Ø How is Donne's life reflected in his poetry?
 well by observing its Several major events in Donne's life--his marriage, his conversion to Anglicanism, his wife's early death, illness, and his elevation to the Deanship of St. Paul's--can be seen in his poetry. In a more complicated way, one can draw inferences about which religious doctrines Donne may have been most fascinated by or skeptical about, considering carefully what he writes when treating various doctrines.
By looking through his work we also have to look at the aspects of ‘love’, we all know the mean and also somewhere feel it. Most of the time we imagine by this nature, rose or the spiritual aspects but in metaphysical poetry we see other rout, means something unknown things in this presenting  matter to somewhere other experience let’s question it then discuss it.

       His best known work of metaphysical poetry

·      The Flea
·      Death, be not proud
·      Sweetest Love
·      The sun rising
·      The Dream
·      The Ecstasy
                          The flea

The flea by john donne is a unique example of the metaphysical poetry.Donne has here used a biological image of the flea to deal with the theme of love The flea is a far-fatched image to deal with the theme of love because the theme of love has nothing to do with his biological image of Flea an this poem lover tries to conveince his beloved by giving the example of Flea.The Flea become an image for the expression of love in the present pome.
The poem is made of three stanzas and the very first stanza opens with the lovers attempt to conveince his beloved  by giving the example of The Flea.
Donne’s use far-fatched images to be found even in the present poem images like Flea,Walls of jet,Cloistered,Nail and Grudge make this poem a metaphysical poem in real sense of the term
                     Death,be not proud  

Death be not proud is one of the holy sonnets by John the present sonnet Donne wants to shohw that death is not something to be ofraid of and death is not mighty or powerful either so there is no need for any person to be afraid of death.
The sonnet opens with poet’s address to death in which he warns death not to be proud.The poet want to say that death offers sleep and rest to every person and so joy is to be derived out of death.and also he say death simply offers rest of body and soul is delivered to new body so there is no need for anybody to be afraid of death.
The poet here gives one example of the best people of the world who have also died in course of time.
The  poet concludes the sonnets telling that is should not be proud because death is nothing except one short sleep and after that short sleeo we get up ones again with a new body,new life and new enthusiasm.if death is accepted in such manner,there will not be any death at all and death it self would die.

                                 Sweetest love

“Sweetest love I do not go”by John Donne is a poem dealing with the theme of love.the central idea of this poem is that death can not separated true lovers.Death can only destroy the body of true lovers their soul can never be separated by death.This truth about love is presented in this poem.
The poem opens with the lover’s assurance to beloved that he is going away from her not because he is tired offen.or because he has found a better person to live life.the lover tries to convience her not to be sad by giving the example of sun.the sun ehich disappeard last night has come back this morning aganin and in the same manner he would come back again to meet her.
Lover says to his beloved in her company he can easily face the moment to separate him from her their soul will always be together.
                The sun rising

The sun rising by John donne is a good example of the metaphysical poetry.this poem deals with the theme of love and express this thing,Donne makes use of far fetched images.the poem has three stanzas in it.and each of the three has got in it metaphysical conceits.
                             The dream

Johan Donne Elegy with the title ‘The Dream’   is about a lovers confession on his love for his beloved and the different between dream and reality the poem opens with comparison between the lover’sheart and coin The poet has used image of coin for expression of love. The way of a coin is impressed  With the images of the kings, The heart is impress the of the image of beloved. The way of images of king a science value to a coin her images of give a humor a important to his heart. The lovers says that only though who are weak  in these spirit  bother honor he does come for because he believes that her images has given owner to me.

 The Lover going ahead in this confession Manson that when she goes away is resigning ends there is beginning for the emperor for fantasy. The love is opinion that fantasy cannot give him the joy of that height which real present can give. The reason is the joy of given by fantasy is convenient and proportional the real arrival has the capacity of giving joy of shock. If the lovers dreams he would like to had the dream about her real present and not just grimy about. The lovers consider sleep a great escape from pain because sleep locks the proses of thinking. Then the lover gets up after his he wake up his sleep he want rape of the end of dream.
In this last stanza very must such idea and great imagery of lover thing here I put one images this reference of this idea

 He would like to sonnets on his believing in stand of passing weakling up thought his believing. They consider himself groom with her love. He would like to be called mood in her love rather than in an idiot without love of none.
                         The Estasy

The Ecstasy by Johan Donne is a poem about define and spiritual experience in love. The pain of love and his beloved which we find in his poem has reached such a high of love. The poem is addressed by the lover who describes in detail the experience of ecstasy love.

Here the poem Donne is great idea of love and thinking of wonderfully explain that how do you love highly of nature and impress of life. Both the lover and his beloved set for the whole day on the bank of a river in the same manner as a bed as always a company of pillow. These two images in the very opening of the poem qualify the committed – they have set on the bank of river hand, though no words exchange between the two. Their four eyes became one and get tide up with an indivisible thread. Both realize an exchange of words between their souls though body doesn’t speak. The soul of both speak  the same and listen the same and so the lovers find  it difficult to realize what exactly is exchanged between the two both the knowledge that it is not love of body ,for a body. It is beloved two souls.

Their ECSTASY makes them aware at the truth that body is their but they are not body. It is here that the meeting paint takes place between ‘THE GEETA’ and spiritual love of the lovers. The lovers considered to such a Devin experience of love is possible anything greater and higher in love to achieved. It is this experience of ECSTASY which love accepts as the happiness of god almighty

Works Cited



1 comment:

    YOUR ASSIGNMENT on Metaphysical poetry by John Donne . In this assignment you write very apt and good apt pictures and also quotes put when ever need in the topic . Threw reading this i realise that you work hard for this and also I remember once more R.K. MANDALIYA SIR'S lectures .On this unit . Your work was very well written good and keep writing .😃


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