Saturday 28 October 2017

Yugpurush:mahatma na mahatma

yugpurush-mahatma na mahatma
"yugpurush"it is writtem by uttam gada first time performed in 2016.yugpurush is a very herat touching play and it's show reletion between guru and shishya(Rajchandraji ans Gandhiji).befor watching this play i don't know that Rajchandraji was guru of Mahatma Gandhiji.Rajchandraji was a very great personality who inspired our national father Gandhiji.he has great memory power.he was also know many language.yougpurush was the journey of gandhiji to become Mohandas to Mahatma.
yugpurush highlights the value of love,reletionship,truth.after watching this play i came to know about thay it was a great friendship example of Mahatma gandhi and Rajchandraji.

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